Mouzala Melina
Assistant Professor
- Ptychion (MA) in Classical Philology, The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, School of Philosophy, Department of Philology
- Ptychion (MA) in Philosophy, The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, School of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, Education and Psychology, Section of Philosophy
- PhD in Philosophy , The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, School of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, Education and Psychology, Section of Philosophy
- PhD Thesis : Το πρόβλημα της κινήσεως και της μεταβολής στην Φυσικήν ακρόασιν του Αριστοτέλους (The Problem of Motion and Change in Aristotle’s Physics)
Το πρόβλημα της κινήσεως και της μεταβολής στην Φυσικήν ακρόασιν του Αριστοτέλους(The Problem of Motion and Change in Aristotle’s Physics) PhD Thesis. The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, School of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, Education and Psychology, Section of Philosophy, Athens 2003, pp. 544.
Oυσία και Ορισμός. Η Προβληματική της ενότητος εις τα οικεία κεφάλαια των Μετά τα φυσικά του Αριστοτέλους ( Ousia and Definition: The Problem of Unity in the central books of Aristotle’s Metaphysics), Athens 2007: Armos Editions, pp.215.
Περί του καθ’ετερότητα μη όντος στον Σοφιστή του Πλάτωνος[=Peri tou kath’ heterotēta mē ontos in Plato’s Sophist], Athens 2007: Armos Editions, pp.118.
Ζητήματα Γνωσιολογίας, Οντολογίας και Μεταφυσικής στην φιλοσοφία του Αριστοτέλους, Υπό το φως αρχαίων και βυζαντινών υπομνημάτων[Issues of Epistemology, Ontology and Metaphysics in Aristotle’s Philosophy, In the light of Ancient and Byzantine Commentaries], Αthens 2013: Gutenberg-Dardanos Publications, pp. 395.
Books edited
Mουζάλα Μ.Γ. (επιμ.), Θέματα Οντολογίας-Μεταφυσικής, Φιλοσοφίας των Μαθηματικών και Λογικής. Συλλογικός τόμος in memoriam Δημ. Μούκανου, Αθήνα 2018: Εκδ. Gutenberg, σσ. 316 [Μouzala M.G. (ed.), Issues of Ontology-Metaphysics, Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic. A Collection of Essays, In Memoriam of Dem. Moukanos, Athens 2018: Gutenberg Editions, pp. 316].
Mουζάλα Μ.Γ. (επιμ.), Αυτογνωσία και Επιμέλεια Ψυχής/Εαυτού: Αρχαία· Ελληνιστική· Νεοπλατωνική· Βυζαντινή· Νεοελληνική Φιλοσοφία, Aθήνα 2020: Εκδ. Παπαζήσης [Μouzala M.G. (ed.), Self-knowledge and Care of Soul/ Self: Ancient· Hellenistic· Neoplatonic· Byzantine· Neo-Hellenic Philosophy, Athens 2020: Papazēsēs Editions, pp. 314].
«Το πρόβλημα της σχέσεως του ορισμού προς την ουσίαν στα κεφάλαια Ζ10-Ζ12 των Μετά τα φυσικά του Αριστοτέλους» (“The Problem of the Relation between Definition and Ousia in Chapters Z10-Z12 of Aristotle’s Metaphysics”), Skepsis, A Journal for Philosophy and Inter-disciplinary Research, Volume XIII-XIV, Athens-Olympia 2002-2003, 171-180.
“Antisthenes the Cynic: Theses in his Logik, Ontology and Knowledge Theory”, Journal of Classical Studies (Zbornik za klasicne studije MS), Volume 11, 2009, 47-54.
“Names and Falsity in Plato’s Cratylus”, Journal of Classical Studies (Zbornik za klasicne studije MS), Volume 13, 2011, 51-77.
“The Cognitive Value of Ousia as absolute Reality in Plato: Epistemological ramifications of Platonic Ontology”, Parnassos, Volume 53, 2011, 221-230.
“Aristotle’s Method of Understanding the First Principles of Natural Things in the Physics I.1”, Peitho- Examina Antiqua- ,1(3), 2012, 31-50.
“On the Cratylean Argumentation in Support of the Correctness of Names in Plato’s Cratylus”, Journal of Classical Studies (Zbornik za klasicne studije MS), Volume 14, 2012, 73-86.
«Η οντολογική κλίμακα του Αγαθού στο ΣΤ΄ βιβλίο της πλατωνικής Πολιτείας: μία προσέγγισις με αφετηρία την πρόκλεια ανάγνωση», (“The ontological climax of the Good in Book VI of the Republic: an approach having as starting-point Proclus’ lecture”), Philosophein 10, 2014, 265-282.
“Olympiodorus and Damascius on the Philosopher’s Practice of Dying in Plato’s Phaedo”, Peitho- Examina Antiqua- ,1(5), 2014, 177-198.
«Κίνησις, Νους και Ζωή στην αριστοτελική οντολογική Θεολογία του Λ΄ Βιβλίου των Μετάταφυσικά», (Kinēsis, Nous and Zōē in the Aristotelian Ontological Theology of Book Lambda of the Metaphysics) Philosophein 11, 2015, 195-219.
“Syrianus on the Platonic Tradition of the Separate Existence of Numbers”, Peitho- Examina Antiqua- ,1(6), 2015, 167-195.
«Διαλεκτική και Θεολογία στον Πλάτωνα. Η λογική θεμελίωσις της σωκρατικής ηθικής θεολογίας στον Ευθύφρονα», συμμετοχή στον τιμητικό τόμο για τον Καθ. Αυ. Μπαγιώνα, στο Χ. Τερέζης (επιμ.) Τόκος ἐν καλῷ, Αθήνα 2016 (“Dialectic and Theology in Plato.The logical foundation of the Socratic ethical theology in the Euthyphro”.Contribution to a memorial volume in honour of Prof. August Bagionas, in Ch.Terezis, Tokos en kalō, Athens 2016, 131-154.
«Διαλεκτική, Δραματουργία και Αυτογνωσία στον Χαρμίδη του Πλάτωνος-Dialectic, Drama and Self-knowledge in Plato’s Charmides”, Studia Gilsoniana 5:1(January- March 2016), 179-194.
“Aristotle’s Criticism of the Platonic Forms as Causes in De Generatione et Corruptione II.9. A Reading Based on Philoponus’ Exegesis”, Peitho- Examina Antiqua- ,1(7), 2016, 123-144.
“Aristotle’s Criticism of the Platonic Idea of the Good in the Nicomachean Ethics A6”, (Participation to the World Congress for the 2400 years of Aristotle “The Philosophy of Aristotle”. Athens, July 2016), Peitho- Examina Antiqua- ,1(8), 2017, 309-341.
«Αριστοτέλης, Θέων ο Σμυρναίος, Συριανός: μαθηματικοί (ή μοναδικοί) και ειδητικοί αριθμοί» (“Aristotle, Theon of Smyrna, Syrianus: mathematical [or monadic] and eidetic numbers”) in Mουζάλα Μ.Γ. (επιμ.), ΘέματαΟντολογίας-Μεταφυσικής, Φιλοσοφίας των Μαθηματικών και Λογικής. Συλλογικός τόμος in memoriam Δημ. Μούκανου, Αθήνα 2018: Εκδ. Gutenberg, 235-279 [Μouzala M.G. (ed.), Issues of Ontology-Metaphysics, Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic. A Collection of Essays, In Memoriam of Dem. Moukanos, Athens 2018: Gutenberg Editions, 235-279].
“Logos as ῾sumplokē or koinonia tōn peri tēn ousian dēlomatōn᾿ in Plato’s Sophist (Speech as weaving together or communion of indications about ousia in Plato’s Sophist)”, Platonic Investigations 10, Νο. 1, 2019, 35-75.
“Simplicius on the principal meaning of phusis in Aristotle’s Physics II. 1-3”, forthcoming in Analogia, September 2019.
«Έρως, Αυτογνωσία, Τέχνη και Τεχνική στον πλατωνικό ΜείζοναΑλκιβιάδη» (“Erōs, Self-knowledge, Technē and Technique in the Platonic Alcibiades Major”, in Μουζάλα Μ.Γ., Αυτογνωσία και Επιμέλεια Ψυχής/Εαυτού: Αρχαία·Ελληνιστική·Νεοπλατωνική·Βυζαντινή·Νεοελληνική Φιλοσοφία, Aθήνα 2020: Εκδ. Παπαζήσης, 95-145 [Μouzala M.G. (ed.), Self-knowledge and Care of Soul/ Self: Ancient· Hellenistic· Neoplatonic· Byzantine· Neo-Hellenic Philosophy, Athens 2020: Papazēsēs Editions, 95-145]
Forms as paradigms in Plato’s Parmenides 132c-d: Proclus’ Response to Aristotle’s and Alexander of Aphrodisias’ Attacks on the Forms Considered as Patterns (forthcoming)
Proclus on the Forms as Paradigms in Plato’s Parmenides: The Neoplatonic Response to Aristotle and Alexander of Aphrodisias’ Criticisms (forthcoming)
Research interests
The main areas of Melina Mouzala’s research interests and research aims include: Plato and Aristotle (Ontology-Metaphysics-Theology, Epistemology, Philosophy of Nature, Logic), the Sophistic Movement (Ontology, Epistemology, Theology, Philosophy of Language), the Socratic Schools, the Presocratics (Theology, Philosophy of Language), the Ancient Commentators on Plato and Aristotle, especially the Peripatetics, the late Neoplatonists, and some of the most important Byzantine Commentators on Plato and Aristotle.
Plato’s Theory of Ideas
Plato’s Socratic Dialogues
Aristotle’s Epistemology and Metaphysics
Aristotle’s Physics
The philosophy of the Pythagoreans in the Aristotelian and Platonic Tradition
Ancient and Byzantine Commentators on Plato and Aristotle
Peripatetics: Alexander of Aphrodisias, Themistius
Neoplatonists: Simplicius, Philoponus, Proclus, Syrianus, Ammonius, Asclepius, Olympiodorus, Damascius
Byzantines: Michael Ephesius, Eustratius, Heliodorus, Pletho (Georgius Gemistus)
Tel.: +30-2610-997644
Office: Rion, University Campus -Bld. K21
Office hours
Wednesday 18:00-20:00