Sagriotis Georgios

Sagriotis Georgios
Assistant professor
- Ph.D.: 2007, PhD in Political Philosophy. Philosophical Presuppositions of a Critical Political Theory: The Authoritarian Liberalism of Hobbes (Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Athens, Supervisor: Professor Alexandros A. Chryssis).
- B.A.: 1993,) Sociology (Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Athens, 4-years study).
Selected publications
Books Authored (selection)
- (In print) Economy. The Problem of Systematicity in the Philosophy of the 19th and 20th Century, Athens: Nissos (In Greek).
- (2019) The possibility of freedom. Introductory Studies in the Kantian Theory of Education, Athens: Nissos (In Greek).
- (2016) Autonomy and Political Engagement. Problems in Aesthetics and Political Philosophy in Critical Theory, Athens: Nissos (In Greek).
- (2012) Doxa and Paradoxes: For the Critique of Rousseau’s Philosophy of Culture and Politics, Athens: Nissos (In Greek).
- (2003) The Righteous and the Whore: Aspects of the Relation between Walter Benjamin’s Theory of Right and the Passagen-Werk, Athens: Erasmos (In Greek).
Books (co-)edited (selection)
- (2010) Walter Benjamin: History and Dialectics (Special Issue of the Journal Axiologica 22) [with D. Karydas] (in Greek).
- (2006) Georg Lukács: Considerations and Interpretations, Athens: Alexandreia [with A. Chryssis] (in Greek).
- (1999) Herbert Marcuse: Critique, Utopia, Liberation, Athens: Stachy [with G. Maniatis, A. Chryssis] (in Greek).
- (1996) The Aesthetic Philosophy of the Frankfurt School (Special Issue of the Journal Planodion, 23) [with F. Terzakis] (in Greek).
Translations in Modern Greek (with introduction and commentary)
- (2019) Th. W. Adorno: Jargon der Eigentlicheit. Über die deutsche Ideologie, Athens: Nissos.
- (2018) S. Kracauer: Das Ornament der Masse, Athens: Plethron
- (2014) W. Benjamin: Die Aufgabe des Übersetzers, Athens: Patakis.
- (2013) G. 9W. F. Hegel: Der Geist des Christentums und sein Schicksal, Athens: Estia.
- (2009) C. Schmitt: Thomas Hobbes. Sinn und Fehlschlag eines politischen Symbols, Athens: Savalas.
Papers (selection)
- (2020) “Dialektik von Poetisierung und Entpoetisierung in der Frühromantik im Anschluss an Walter Benjamin”, Blütenstaub, 7.
- (2019) Eulenflüge, in: J. Nitsche, N. Werner (ed.), Entwendungen. Walter Benjamin und seine Quellen, München: Fink, pp. 124-136.
- (2018) Der kritische Mimus auf der Bühne. Benjamin, Brecht und der romantische Hintergrund, in: F. Voigt, N. Tzanakis Papadakis et al. (ed.), Material und Begriff. Arbeitsverfahren und theoretische Beziehungen Walter Benjamins, Berlin: Argument, pp. 135-144.
- (2018) Die heautonome Gesetzgebung der reflektierenden Urteilskraft», V. Weibel, M. Ruffing et al. (ed.), Akten des XII. Interantionalen Kant-Kongresses: Natur und Freiheit, Berlin: De Gruyter, vol. 2, pp. 1277-1384.
- (2015) About the gulf between linguistic norms and sociopolitical reality in the philosophy of Jürgen Habermas, in: P. Garofalo (ed.), Frammenti di realità sociale, Villasanta: Limina Mentis.
- (2015) «Barbarians and their Cult: On Walter Benjamin’s Concept of New Barbarism», in: M. Boletsi, Chr. Moser (ed.), Barbarism Revisited: New Perspectives on an Old Concept, Leiden/Boston: Brill/Rodopi, pp. 255-266.
Research interests
- Early Modern Philosophy
- Critical Theory
- Aesthetics
Funded Research Projects
- April 2015-September 2018: Research Assistant, Department of German Studies at the University of Osnabrück
- September 2012-August 2015: Postdoctoral Researcher at Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main on “The Modern Politics of Learning: Freedom and Authority in Education”.
- 2012 (May-June): DAAD Researcher at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Department of Theology.
Academic Honours and Grants
- January-December 2016: Visiting Scholar at Brown University, Department of Philosophy.
- Oktober 2014-March 2015: Young Fellow, Research Group „Normenbegründung in der Medizinethik und Biopolitik“ at the Wilhelms-Universität Münster.
Courses 2021-2022
- Philosophy and Psychoanalysis
- The Birth of German Idealism
- Theory of Knowledge-Metaphysics I
- Kant
Office hours
Tuesday: 14:30-16.00
Thursday: 18:00-19:30
Press here to connect.