Valakas Kostas

Valakas Kostas
Associate Professor
- 1977-1981 Undergraduate Degree (Ptychion) in Greek literature, Dept. of Philology, University of Athens.
- Other languages: English, French.
- 1982-1988 Ph.D. in Classics (Sophoclean tragedy), Faculty of Classics and Archaeology, University of Cambridge, U.K. (as a member of Trinity College).
Selected Publications
- «Η χρήση της γλώσσας στην αρχαία τραγωδία» and «Η χρήση της γλώσσας στην αρχαία κωμωδία». 2001. Pp. 751-769, and bibliography pp. 873-875, in Ιστορία της Ελληνικής Γλώσσας. Από τις αρχές έως την ύστερη αρχαιότητα, ed. A.-Ph. Christidis. Thessaloniki: Centre of Greek Language and M. Triantafyllidis Institute of Modern Greek Studies. Also in English transl.: «The Use of Language in Ancient Greek Tragedy» and «The Use of Language in Ancient Greek Comedy». 2007. Pp. 1010-1032, and bibliography pp. 1161-1166, in A History of Ancient Greek from the Beginnings to Late Antiquity ed. A.-Ph. Christidis et al. Cambridge University Press.
- «The Use of the Body by Actors in Tragedy and Satyr Play». 2002. Pp. 71-94 in Greek and Roman Actors. Aspects of an Ancient Profession, eds. P. E. Easterling and E. M. Hall. Cambridge University Press.
- «Οι μάσκες στο αθηναϊκό θέατρο του 5ου αιώνα π.Χ., με ιδιαίτερη αναφορά στα δραματικά κείμενα του Αισχύλου (Masks in Athenian Theatre of the 5th Century BC, with Special Reference to Aeschylus’ Dramatic Texts)». 2009. Pp. 128-137 in Aντιφίλησις. Studies on Classical, Byzantine and Modern Greek Literature and Culture in Honour of J.-Th. A. Papademetriou, eds. Ε. Karamalengou and E. Makriyanni. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
- «Theoretical Views of Athenian Tragedy in the Fifth Century BC.» 2009. Pp. 179-207 in Sophocles and the Greek Tragic Tradition [in honour of P. E. Easterling], eds. S. Goldhill and E. Μ. Hall. Cambridge University Press.
- With E. Papazoglou: «Επτά μυθικές “αλήθειες” για την τραγωδία: μικρός ερμηνευτικός οδηγός (Seven Mythical “Truths” about Tragedy: A Short Guide of Interpretation)». 2011. On-line periodical of the Thessaloniki University Dept. of Theatre Σκηνή 2: 93-111.
- With E. Papazoglou: Sophocles’ Trachiniae. 2004. Pp. 33-90 in the Programme of the Northern-Greece-State-Theatre performance at Epidaurus, directed by V. Ardittis.
- With L. Rozi: Οδηγός για την αρχαία ελληνική τραγωδία – από το Πανεπιστήμιο του Καίμπριτζ (The Cambridge Companion to Greek Tragedy [1997]), ed. P. E. Easterling. 2007. Pp. 612. Herakleion: Crete University Press.
Research Interests
Ancient Greek poetic and dramatic texts and performances – with emphasis on tragedy – and the related theoretical views in antiquity; their legacy to theories of literature and theatre from the 17th century onwards.
- 1990-1993 As a Lecturer in Classics on contract, Division of Classics, Dept. of Philology, University of Crete: undergraduate lectures or seminars on Ancient Greek and Latin language, dramatic or literary texts.
- 1993-1998 As a Lecturer in Theatre Studies, Division of Theatre and Music Studies, Dept. of Philology, University of Crete: undergraduate lectures or seminars on Ancient Greek tragedy, satyr drama and comedy; graduate seminar on European comedy.
- 1998-2009 As an Associate Professor of the theory and interpretation of ancient drama, Dept. of Theatre Studies, University of Patras: undergraduate lectures or seminars on Ancient Greek tragedy, satyr drama and comedy, also on post-Renaissance theories of drama and theatre; graduate seminars on Ancient Greek tragedy and comedy, on Aristotle’s Poetics and Nietzsche.
- 2009- As an Associate Professor of the theory and interpretation of ancient drama, Dept. of Philosophy, University of Patras: undergraduate lectures on Ancient Greek language, dramatic or literary texts and theories of poetry.
Contact Hours
At the office, Thursdays 13-15.30pm and Fridays 13-14pm during teaching semesters.
On leave during Winter Semester 2019-2020