Pagondiotis Costas

Pagondiotis Costas
Assistant professor
- BA: Mechanical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece 1990.
- MA: Graduate program on Philosophy and History of Science and Technology, Department of Applied Mathematics and Physical Sciences, National Technical University of Athens, Greece, 1997.
- PhD: Graduate program on Philosophy and History of Science and Technology, Department of Applied Mathematics and Physical Sciences, National Technical University of Athens, Greece, 2002.
Selected Publications
Pagondiotis, C.: The Problem of Mental Representations in Cognitive Science: Towards a Non-representational Description of Mental Phenomena (in Greek). PhD Thesis. Department of Applied Mathematics and Physical Sciences, NTUA, 2002.
Edited Volumes
- Pagondiotis, C., Kindi, V. (eds.) The Cognitive penetrability of sensory perception (in Greek), Noisis, 6, 2010.
- Pagondiotis, C. (ed.) Perception & Action (in Greek), Defkalion, 29, 2012.
Papers (Selection)
- Pagondiotis, C.: “Is There a Language of Thought?” (in Greek) in Kati, D., Kondili, M. & Nikiforidou, K. (eds.), Language and Mind: Scientific and Philosophical Approaches, Athens: Alexandria, 1999, pp. 61-91.
- Pagondiotis, C.: “The Problem of the Construction of Mathematical Concepts in Kant” (in Greek), Defkalion 19, 2001, pp. 5-25.
- Pagondiotis, C. & Petrounakos, S. “First Person and Thought Insertion” (in Greek), Defkalion 20, 2002, pp. 157-180.
- Pagondiotis, C.: “Can Perceptual Content be Conceptual and Non-Theory-Laden?” in Raftopoulos A. (ed.), Cognitive Penetrability of Perception: An Interdisciplinary Approach, New York: Nova Science, 2005, pp. 165-180.
- Vosniadou S., Pagondiotis, C., Deligianni, M.: “From the Pragmatics of Classification Systems to the Metaphysics of Concepts,” review of Sorting Things Out: Classification and its Consequences by Geoffrey C. Bowker and Susan Leigh Star and Concepts: Where Cognitive Science Went Wrong by Jerry A. Fodor, The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 14, 2005, pp. 115-125.
- Pagondiotis, C.: “A Defense of Direct Perception” (in Greek), Topika, XI, 2006, pp. 123-139.
- Pagondiotis, C.: “McDowell’s Transcendental Empiricism and the Theory-Ladenness of Experience.” Teorema, XXV/1, 2006, pp. 101-114. (the volume includes John McDowell’s response: McDowell, John, “Response to Costas Pagondiotis”, pp. 115-119).
- Pagondiotis, C. & Petrounakos, S.: “Sense of Agency and the Naturalization of the Mental”, Proceedings of the 21st World Congress of Philosophy, 2007.
- Pagondiotis, C. & Virvidakis, S.: “Putnam’s Natural Realism” (in Greek), introduction to Hilary Putnam, Sense, Nonsense, and the Senses (translated in Greek by C. Pagondiotis), Ekkremes, 2010.
- Pagondiotis, C. & Kindi, V. (eds.): The Cognitive penetrability of sensory perception, (in Greek) Noisis, 6, 2010.
- Pagondiotis, C. & Kindi, V.: “A historical examination of the problem of the cognitive penetrability of perception” (in Greek) in Pagondiotis, C. & Kindi, V. (eds.), The Cognitive penetrability of sensory perception, Noisis, 6, 2010.
- Pagondiotis, C.: “Unity of Conscioussness, Self-Conscioussness, and the Subjective Character of Mental States” (in Greek), Defkalion, 28/2, 2011, σσ. 75-86.
- Pagondiotis, C.: “Noë on the dependence of perception on bodily action” (in Greek), Defkalion, 29, 2012.
- Pagondiotis, C.: “Hallucination, Mental Representation, and the Presentational Character” in Macpherson, F. & Platchias, D. (eds.): Hallucination, MIT Press, 2013.
- Pagondiotis, C.: “The Kantian Perspective” (in Greek) in A. Baltas & K. Stergiopoulos (eds): Philosophy and Sciences in the 20th Century, University of Crete Press, 2013.
- Pagondiotis, C.: “Autonomy and Physicalism” (in Greek) Noisis, 08, 2015.
- Pagondiotis, C.: “Cognitive (Im)Penetrability of Vision: Restricting Vision vs.Restricting Cognition” in J. Zeimbekis & A. Raftopoulos (eds), Cognitive Penetrability, OUP, 2015.
- Pagondiotis, C.: “Book review of the Greek translation of John McDowell: Mind and World (Translation in Greek: Thanos Samartzis). Athens: Crete University Press, 2013″ (in Greek). Critica, 2017-01, <>.
Other publications
- Pagondiotis, C.: “Consciousness, Perception and Blindsight” (in Greek) Cogito 2 (2005): 55-56.
- Pagondiotis, C.: “Turing’s Test, the Chinese Room and Intelligence” (in Greek) Cogito 4 (2006): 29-33.
- “Intelligence and the Ability to take Responsibility: An Interview with John Haugeland by Costas Pagondiotis.” (in Greek) Cogito 4 (2006): 34-37. Reprinted in English in the European electronic JournalEurozine, 5/9/2006.
Research interests
- Costas Pagondiotis’ research interests include philosophy of mind, philosophy of perception, epistemology, philosophy of cognitive science, and philosophy of artificial intelligence.
Funded Research Projects
- Supervisor of the C. Karatheodori project – Support of Basic Research, University of Patras. Project title: The relation of perceptual experience to practical knowledge (2009-2012).
- Supervisor of the research project: Moral Perception And Practical Knowledge. Principal investigator: Evgenia Mylonaki. Sponsored by the Greek General Secretariat for Research and Technology (2012 – 2014).
- Supervisor of the research project: Types of Naturalism and Normativity. Principal investigator: Dionysis Christias. Sponsored by the Greek General Secretariat for Research and Technology (2017 – 2019).
- Deputy supervisor of the research project: Desire and Time: Phenomenological Research in the Naturalization of Intentionality, Supervisor: Panos Theodorou (University of Crete). Sponsored by the National Strategic Reference Framework – Greece (2019-2020).
- Philosophy of Mind
- Analytic Epistemology
- Philosophy of Perception
- Philosophy of Cognitive Science
- John McDowell: Mind and World
Office hours – Spring Semester 2024-25
Tuesday 18:00-20:00
Wednesday 14:30-15:30