Mylonaki Evgenia

Mylonaki Evgenia
Assistant professor
Short Bio
I teach philosophy at the University of Patras, Greece. My PhD (University of Pittsburgh) was on motivational conflict and practical rationality. My later work is in ethics, philosophy of action, contemporary Aristotelian and Kantian moral philosophy, and the history of philosophy in the 20th century (Iris Murdoch, Elizabeth Anscombe, Philippa Foot). I have a special philosophical interest in plant and animal lives, in gender studies, in the collapse of ways of living and in art (film, photography and the novel). I am currently writing a book entitled Moral Growth; Virtue and Disruptive Experiences (under contract with Cambridge University Press) and editing a volume of essays on the wartime quartet, with Clare Mac Cumhaill, Cathy Mason and Rachael Wiseman (under consideration by Oxford University Press). I’m co-editing (with Constantine Sandis) the Why Philosophy Matters book series (Bloomsbury) and I’ve co-edited (with Matthew Boyle) a collection of essays in honor of John McDowell, entitled Reason in Nature (Harvard University Press, 2022). I have translated (with Constantine Sandis) Anscombe’s Intention into Greek (Crete University Press). For more information, see below or check my personal webpage here.
- 2003-2010: PhD in Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh. Dissertation Committee: John McDowell, University of Pittsburgh, Kieran Setiya, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Anil Gupta, University of Pittsburgh, Jessica Moss, New York University (NYU)
- 2003-2010: Master in the Arts, Department of Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh.
- 1996-2001: BA (with honors), Philosophy and History of Science Department, University of Athens, Greece.
“From Conflict to Unity: Motivation and Practical Reason”, UMI Publishing House, University of Pittsburgh, 2010.
Edited Volumes
- Reason in Nature; New Essays on John McDowell”, Mylonaki, E. & Boyle M. (ed)., Harvard: Harvard University Press, forthcoming.
Papers (selection)
- 2024: “A Resolute Reading of Iris Murdoch’s Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals”, in British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 1–25.
- Forthcoming: “Disruptive Experiences and Moral Growth in the Sovereignty of Good”, in Iris Murdoch’s Sovereignty of Good after 50 Years, C. Bagnoli and Cokelet, B. (ed.), Cambridge University Press.
- Forthcoming: “Naïve and Sophisticated Constitutivism”, in Reason, Agency and Ethics: Kantian Themes in Contemporary Debates, Bagnoli, C. and Bacin, S.(ed.), Oxford University Press.
- 2022: “Practical Knowledge and the Spiritual Nature of Man” in The Anscombean Mind, Routledge Philosophical Minds, R. Wiseman and A. Haddock, Routledge. ISBN 9781138551367
- 2022: «Seeing the World; Moral Difficulty and Drama» in Reason in Nature; New Essays on John McDowell, Mylonaki, E. & Boyle M. (ed.)., under publication by Harvard: Harvard University Press.
- 2020: «The Question of Practical Knowledge”, Philosophical Explorations, 23:2, 167-179.
- 2019: «Philippa Foot», Duncan Pritchard (ed.)Oxford Bibliographies in Philosophy, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- 2018: «The Individual in Pursuit of the Individual; A Murdochian Account of Moral Perception», in Journal of Value Inquiry, 53 (4):579-603.
- 2018: «Instrumental Normativity and the Practicable Good: A Murdochian Constitutivist Account», in Rationality and agency, S. Tennenbaum and D. Horst (ed.), Manuscrito, 41 (4):349-388
- 2018: “Judgments of Practice and Ways of Life”, in Philosophy and Crisis: Responding to Challenges to Ways of Life in the Contemporary World, G. Maggini, J. Vila-Cha, J. Hogan, H. Karabatzaki & V. Papanikolaou (εκδ.), Council for Research in Values and Philosophy (RVP)- Catholic University of America, Washington D.C.
- 2018: “Action as the Conclusion of Practical Reasoning; The Critique of a Rödlian Account”, European Journal of Philosophy, (1): 30-45.
- 2016: “Practical Knowledge and Perception” στον συλλογικό τόμο Action and Morality, Mark Alznauer and Josse Torralba (ed..), Olms Verlag, Germany.
Book reviews
- In process: «Review of John Hacker-Wright’s (ed.) ‘Philippa Foot on Goodness and Virtue’», Philosophical Quarterly.
- 2016: «Action, Knowledge and Will, by John Hyman» Philosophical Quarterly, Volume 67, Issue 267, 1 April 2017, p. 429–434.
- Under contract with Crete University Press: G.E.M. Anscombe, Intention, with Constantine Sandis (University of Hertfodshire).
- Forthcoming: D. Hume, An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, Ekkremes Publishing House, Greece.
- 2003: P. F. Strawson, Skepticism and Naturalism, Ekkremes Publishing House, 2003.
Research Interests
- Ethics, Moral Psychology, Philosophical Anthropology, Philosophy of Action, 20th century Philosophy
- Animal and Plant lives, Climate Change, Gender Studies, art (literature, photography, film)
Research Grants
- March 2017 – March 2019: Post-doctoral Research Fellowship, National Foundation of Fellowships of Greece, University of Athens with Stathis Psillos
- June 2012 – June 2015: European Social Fund (ESF), € 150.000
3 Year Post-doctoral Research Grant, University of Patras, Greece - 2003-8: University of Athens, 3 Year Research Grant
- 2011 – 2012: DAAD Fellowship, € 3.000
University of Leipzig, Germany - 2009-10: American Association of University Women (AAUW), € 20.000
Out of 35 fellowships in all scientific fields. - 2009-10: University of Pittsburgh, Honorary Dean’s Tuition Fellowship
- 2005-8: University of Pittsburgh, Graduate Fellowship, full fellowship – tuition, board and stipendium
- 2003-4: Andrew Mellon Pre-doctoral Fellowship, full fellowship – tuition, board and stipendium
- 2003-8: Foundation of National Grants of Greece(IKY), 5 Year doctoral fellowship for M.Phil and PhD at the University of Oxford (declined after declining offer of admission to M.Phil from University of Oxford)
Conference Grants
- 2018: American Catholic Philosophical Association (ACPA)for a centennial conference in honor of G.E.M.Anscombe in Athens in 2019.
- 2012: University of Pamplona, Spain
2010: Aristotelian Society of Philosophy - 2008: University of Pittsburgh
2020- 2021: University of Patras, Greece
- “Philosophy of Action”
- “Contemporary Practical Philosophy”
- “Life as a Philosophical Category”
- “The Sovereignty of Goodness”
2012 – 2017: CYA/College Year in Athens, Greece
- “Dialectic Activity” co-taught with Talbot Brewer (university of Virginia)
- “Film and Philosophy” co-taught with Robert Pippin (University of Chicago)
- “Action and Knowledge” co-taught with John Hyman (University of Oxford)
- “Action in Ancient Greek and Contemporary Philosophy”
- “The Concept of Life in Ancient Greek and Contemporary Philosophy”
- “The Nature of First Principles and of Ultimate Reality”
- “The Good Life and the Common Good”
Spring 2018 – University of Athens
- “Introduction to the Philosophy of Action”
2015-19: Hellenic Open University, Greece
- History of Philosophy
University of Pittsburgh, 2004 – 2010
- History of Ethics, Part Time Faculty
- Ethics, Teaching Fellow
- Political Theory, Teaching Assistant
- Modern Philosophy, Teaching Assistant
- Ancient Philosophy, Teaching Fellow
- Social Philosophy, Teaching Assistant
- Ancient Philosophy, Teaching Assistant