Michalakis Andreas

Michalakis Andreas
Assistant Professor
- BA: Sociology, Department of Sociology, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Athens, 1990.
- MA: Social and Political Thought, University of Sussex, 1992.
- PhD: Department of Sociology, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Athens, 2001.
Research Interests
- Contemporary theories of justice (especially J. Rawls) and the critical theory of the Frankfurt School.
- Classic and contemporary debates on political, moral and personal autonomy.
- Recent Kantian constructivist theories of morality (O. O’Neill and C. Korsgaard).
- The notion of mutual recognition: its importance in post-Kantian political philosophy as an attempt at an intersubjective understanding of the moral point of view and its contemporary relevance.
Undergraduate Courses
- Modern Political Philosophy (Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau), Hegel, Marx, Freedom and Justice (Rousseau, Kant, Rawls) Contemporary Political Philosophy (Rawls), Philosophy of the Social Sciences.
Graduate Courses
- Modern Moral and Political Philosophy (Hobbes, Rousseau and Kant), Marx and the Tradition of Practical Philosophy, Moral and Political Philosophy (Kant and Rawls), John Rawls’ Theory of Justice.
I. Book (authored)
- The Right and the Good: an essay on John Rawls’s Theory of Justice, Athens: Alexandria, 2nd edition 2018. [in Greek]
II. Book (edited and translated)
- Droukopoulos, B. and A. Michalakis (editors) Robert Owen: A New View of Society, Athens: Alexandria, 2007. [in Greek]
- John Rawls, Social Justice and Kantian Ethics, Liberal Books, Athens, 2016. [in Greek]
III. Articles
- “Ethics and Modernity in the Work of Max Weber” [in Greek] Dokimes 3 (1995).
- “Max Horkheimer and the Problem of the Justification of Values in the Early Critical Theory” [in Greek] in “Critical Theory: Tradition and Future Perspectives” edited by K. Kavoulakos. Athens: Nisos, 2003.
- “Social Crisis and Values in the writings of Robert Owen” [in Greek], Appendix in the volume: Robert Owen: A New View of Society, edited by B. Droukopoulos and A. Michalakis. Athens: Alexandria, 2007.
- “The Critique of Idealism and the Problem of Method: Aspects of the Marx-Feuerbach Relationship”, [in Greek] Axiologika, 18, 2007.
- “The Ethics of Mutual Recognition: From the Theory-Practice Relationship to the Justification of the Moral Point of View”, [in Greek] in Μ. Aggelidis, S. Dimitriou and A. Lavranou, Theory, Values and Critique: In memoriam of Kosmas Psychopedis, Athens: Polis 2008.
- “Hegel and Honneth: Recognition and the Justification of the Moral Point of View”, in Andreas Arndt, Paul Cruysberghs, Andrzej Przylebski (eds.) Hegel Jahrbuch 2009: Hegels Politische Philosophie (Zweiter Teil), Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 2009.
- “Ethics of Autonomy”, [in Greek], Synchrona Themata, 111, 2010.
- “Karl Marx: Justice and Freedom”, [in Greek], in S. Zouboulakis (eds.), Justice and Law, Athens: Artos Zois, 2015.
- “Introduction”, [in Greek], in John Rawls, Social Justice and Kantian Ethics, Liberal Books, Athens, 2016.
IV. PhD Thesis
- Social Subjectivity and Emancipation in the Work of Young Marx, [in Greek] PhD Thesis, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Athens, 2001.