Kontos Pavlos

Kontos Pavlos
Professor, Department Chair
Studies and qualifications
- 1985-1988: Film-Studies
- 1986-1990: Philosophy studies in the Department of Philosophy, Education and Psychology of the University of Athens.
- 1992-1995: PhD in philosophy at UCL.
- PhD Title: D’une phénoménologie de la perception chez Heidegger (Supervisor: Jacques Taminiaux)
- 1998-1999: Master in the Program “Open and Distance Learning”, Greek Open University
Books Authored (selection)
- 2021. Aristotle on the Scope of Practical Reason. Spectators, Legislators, Hopes, and Evils. Routledge: New York/London. Book Symposium: Online Book Symposium (08.11.2021) with the participation of: Anselm Müller (University of Trier & University of Chicago), C.D.C. Reeve (UNC at Chapel Hill), Talbot Brewer (University of Virginia), John Hacker-Wright (University of Guelph), and Evgania Mylonaki (University of Patras).
- 2011. Aristotle’s Moral Realism Reconsidered. Phenomenological Ethics. Routledge: New York/London (2013, Paperback edition). Reviewed by: J. Karbowski, NDPR, 02-09-2011; J. Wisnewski, Philosophy in Review, 2012/3; S. A. Mason, 2012sep CHOICE; C. Davia, International Philosophical Quarterly, 52/3, 2012, 373-377; An. Caeiro, Euphrosyne, XL, 2012, 490-492 (in Portuguese); Fr. Rese, Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung; 66/4, 2012, 614-617 (in German); A. Vigo, Revue Philosophique de Louvain, 111/2, 2013, 423-426 (in French) ; S. Millett, The Review of Metaphysics, 66/4, 2013, 841-843; S. Virvidakis, Critica, 2013-09 (in Greek); P. Thanassas, Critica, 2013-08 (in Greek); A. Fermani, Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica, 1, 2014, 218 – 220 (in Italian); K. Flannery, The Thomist, 78/4, 2014, 634-638.
- 2002. L’action morale chez Aristote. Presses Universitaires de France : Paris (Anant-Propos and Préface, respectively, by J. Taminiaux and R. Sokolowski). Reviewed by: J. Capek, Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger, 2006/2, 59, 147-158 (also: Reflexe, 29, 2006); P. Rodrigo, Revue philosophique de Louvain, 102/1, 2004, 182-186; L. Elders, Review of Metaphysics, LVI/4, 2003, 888-889.
- 1996. D’une phénoménologie de la perception chez Heidegger. Kluwer (Phaenomenologica 137): London/ Boston/ Dordrecht. Reviewed by: R. Gély, Revue philosophique de Louvain, 95/4, 1997, 731-737; J. De Visscher, Tijdschrift voor Filosophie, 1998/1, 611-612; R. Dreon, Filosofia e teologia, 3/1998, 670-672.
In Modern Greek
- 2018. The two eu of eutuchia. Introduction to Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics. Crete University Press: Athens/Heraklion. [English edition; Palgrave MacMillan, forthcoming.]
- Kant’s Ethics of Promises. Hestia: Athens.
- 2000 Aristotle’s Ethics. Kritikê: Athens.
Books (co-)edited (selection)
- P. Kontos (ed.), Evil in Aristotle, Cambridge UP, 2018.
- V. Foti & P. Koontos (eds.), Phenomenology and the Primacy of the Political. Essays in Honor of Jacques Taminiaux, Springer, 2017.
- The Metaphysics of Sight and Phenomenology, with A. Cimino, Brill, 2016
- Kant: Making Reason Intuitive, with K. Goudeli and I. Patellis, Palgrave, Hampshire, 2006
- Gadamer et les Grecs, with J. C. Gens and P. Rodrigo, Vrin, Paris, 2005
Translations in Modern Greek (with introduction and commentary)
- Ed. Husserl, Die Krisis der europäischen Menschentums und die Philosophie, Ekkremes, Athens, 2011
- Ed. Husserl, Die Ursprung der Geometrie, Bilingual edition, Ekkremes, Athens, 2005
- Ed. Husserl, Cartesianische Meditationen, Roes, Athens, 2002
Referred Papers (selection)
- 2021 “Mind your prayers. Aristotle’s notion of euchê,” Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie (Pre-published online: September 17, 2021; https://doi.org/10.1515/agph-2020-0094)
- 2021 “Hoping-well. Aristotle’s Phenomenology of elpis,” British Journal for the History of Philosophy 29/3: 415-434 /doi.org/10.1080/09608788.2020.1818054
- 2014 “Non-virtuous intellectual states in Aristotle’s Ethics,” Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy XLVII/2: 205- 243.
- 2014 “Gadamer’s Appeal to phronêsis and the Shadow of Heidegger,” The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy XIII: 206-222.
- 2011 “Kant’s Categories of Freedom as Rules of Moral Salience,” Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung 65/2: 194-216.
- 2009 “’Ακολασία as Radical Ethical Vice,” Ancient Philosophy 29/2: 337-347.
Book Chapters (recent)
- 2021. “Le mal radical chez Aristote et chez Kant. Le cas de Phalaris” in D. Lang (ed.), Kant et les Grecs, hier et aujourd’hui. Paris: Vrin (forthcoming).
- 2019. “Phronêsis und ihre Gegenstände (VI 1-5, 8-10, 12)” in: O. Höffe (ed.), Aristoteles. Die Nikomachische Ethik (4th rev. Ed.), 129-148. Akademie Verlag: Berlin.
- 2018. “Aristotle in Phenomenology” in: D. Zahavi (ed.), Oxford Handbook of the History of Phenomenology, 5-24. Oxford UP: Oxford.
- 2018. “Radical Evil in Aristotle’s Ethics and Politics” in: P. Kontos (ed.), Evil in Aristotle, 75-97.
- 2017. “The Myth of Performativity: From Aristotle to Arendt and Taminiaux”, in: V. Fóti & P. Kontos (eds.), Phenomenology and the Primacy of the Political, 233-251.
Research Interests
- Aristotle’s Ethics
- Kant’s Ethics
- Phenomenology: Husserl, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty
- Evil
- Hope
Funded Research Projects
- Supervisor of the Research Project: Habit and skill: the articulation and usefulness of a neglected distinction, in collaboration with the Birkbeck College, University of London; sponsored by the Greek General Secretariat for Research and Technology (01/2012 – 12/2013). Total Budget: 160.000 E
- “Karatheodori Research Award”: three year long Research project financed by the University of Patras (2003-2006). Project title: “Hermeneutics and Aristotle’s ethics”. Total budget: 30.000 E
Academic Honours
- W. J. Bouswma Fellow at the National Humanities Center, North Carolina (2017-2018).
- Senior Visiting Scholar (Spring Semester 2013), Onassis Foundation in USA: The University Seminars Program (Επισκέπτης στα πανεπιστήμια Duke, Fordham, Princeton)
- Humboldt-Fellow (2007- ): Visiting Professor at the Philosophisches Seminar, Universität Freiburg (01/07/07 – 30/12/07 & 15/09/12 – 15/12/12)
Visiting Professor
- UNC at Chapel Hill, Department of Philosophy (Spring Semester 2013).
- Universität Freiburg, Philosophisches Seminar (Fall Semester 2007 & 2012).
Open Internet Courses and Video-Lectures (in Modern Greek)
- “Evil in the History of Ethics.” Mathesis at Crete University Press (5-week MOOC; Spring 2021: 5.500 students enrolled): http://mathesis.cup.gr
- “Aristotle’s Ethics,” Mathesis at Crete University Press (7-week MOOC; Spring 2017: 6.700 students enrolled): http://mathesis.cup.gr
- Patras’ Open Courses: P. Kontos, Kant’s Ethics (9 Lectures) http://delos.upnet.gr/opendelos/player?rid=2c921597
- Animated Philosophy: Aristotle: www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQB7sOKnQRk
- “On Friendship”, Cosmote TV: https://www.cosmote.gr/portal/epeisodio-9
- “On Friendship and Love” (together with Angie Hobbes), Cosmote History: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c75Bj5gFIL0
Courses (2021-2022)
- Graduate Seminar: Evil in Kant and Nietzsche
- Pre-graduate course: Introduction to Philosophy II