Kaleri Ekaterini
Associate Professor
- Degree in German Language and Literature (University of Thessaloniki)
- Degree in Philosophy (University of Thessaloniki)
- Doctoral studies in Philosophy, Dr. Phil. University of Karlsruhe (meanwhile: KIT)
Selected Publications
- Methodolgie der literarischen Stilinterpretation. Versuch einer analytischen Durchdringung hermeneutischer Strukturen, Wuerzburg (Koenigshausen und Neumann) 1993.
- Hans Lenk, Philosophie und Interpretation. Vorlesungen zur Entwicklung konstruktionistischer Interpretationsansaetze, ueberarbeitet unter Mitwirkung von Ekaterini Kaleri, Frankfurt a. M. (Suhrkamp) 1993, coauthor (five chapters) and revisor of the volume
- «Werkimmanenz und Autor», in: F. Jannidis, G. Lauer, M. Martinez, S. Winko (Hrsg.), Rueckkehr des Autors. Zur Erneuerung eines umstrittenen Begriffs, Tuebingen (Max Niemeyer) 1999, pp. 235-254
- «Aesthetische Wahrheit: Transformation der Erkenntnistheorie in der Aesthetik Georg Friedrich Meiers», in: Joerg Schoenert / Friedrich Vollhardt (Hg.), Geschichte der Hermeneutik und die Methodik der textinterpretierenden Disziplinen, Berlin – New York (Walter de Gruyter) 2005, pp. 365-402
- «Finalitaet und Interpretation in der Hermeneutik», in: R. Duerr, G. Gebauer, M. Maring, Schuett (Hg.), Praktisches Philosophieren. Festschrift fuer Hans Lenk, Muenster (LIT Verlag) 2005, pp. 44-56
- «Ερμηνευτικός Κύκλος: μια ανάλυση της λογικής δομής της μεθόδου της ερμηνείας στις ανθρωπιστικές επιστήμες», 2th Greek Congress of Philosophy of Science, Athens Nov., 29th – Dec., 1st 2012, in preparation for publication
- «Die Ueberwindung des Dualismus in Wilhlem Dilthey’s erkenntnistheoretischem und ontologischem Denken», 23th World Congress of Philosophy, Athens, August, 4th -10th 2013, in preparation for publication
Research Interests
- Hermeneutics: history of hermeneutics (esp. after 17th century), philosophical hermeneutics, Wilhelm Dilthey, Martin Heidegger, Hans-Georg Gadamer
- Philosophy of Science: the crisis of positivism in the analytical philosophy of science, the problem of theoretical terms, holism, logic of scientific theories, logic of interpretation, philosophy and methodology of the human sciences
- Epistemology: holism, perfection, meaning, finality
- Aesthetics and theory of art: mimesis, art and truth, theory of style
Academic distinctions
Academic positions
- 2006-2010 Head of the Department of Philosophy (Univ. of Patras)
- 1991-1993 elected member of the board of the faculty of the School of Social- and Human Sciences at the University of Karlsruhe
Invited participation at conferences and workshops
- 1993: „Zeichen und Interpretation“, Bad Homburg (workshop)
- 1997: “Literarische und philosophische Weltentwuerfe – zwei Wege, ein Ziel?” workshop at the „Deutscher Romanistentag“, Jena
- 1997: “Rueckkehr des Autors?”, international specialist conference funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG)
- 2001: “Die Geschichte der Hermeneutik und die Methodik der textinterpertierenden Disziplinen”, international specialist conference funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG)
- graduate scholar of the German Exchange Service (DAAD), 1976-1982,
- undergraduate scholar of the greek state scholarships foundation (IKY)
Undergraduate Courses
- Hermeneutics and Phenomenology
- Laboratory Course in Philosophical Reading: Modern Philosophy Texts
- Aesthetics
- Texts in 20th century philosophy
Graduate Courses
- Issues in the Philosophy of Science