Goudeli Kiriaki

Goudeli Kiriaki
Associate Professor
Education and Degrees
- PhD in Philosophy, Department of Sociology, Warwick University, 2000.
- Title of PhD thesis: Logic and Logogrif in German Idealism: The concept of experience in Kant, Fichte and Schelling
- M.A in Philosophy and Social Theory, Department of Philosophy, University of Warwick, 1994.
- Title of M.A thesis: The Antinomies in John Rawl’s Theory of Justice
- Diploma in Chemical Engineering, National Technical Universitz of Athens, 1986.
- B.A in Astronomy, Liverpool John Moores University 2001
- Challenges to German Idealism: Schelling, Fichte, Kant, Palgrave, Macmillan P.C, New York and London, 2002
Books (participation in collective volumes)
- ‘Schelling on Plato’s Timaeus’, in The Barbarian Principle, Schelling and Meleau Ponty on the Question of Nature, Jason Wirth and Patric Burke Ed. SUNY, 2013
- ‘Revelation, Freedom and Future in late Schelling: The eternal beginnings of the divine and the dynamics of the leap’, in The Many Facets of Schelling, Sean Macgrath and Bruce Mathews Ed , SUNY, forthcoming.
- Kant: Making Reason Intuitive, collective volume edited by Kyriaki Goudeli, Pavlos Kontos and Ioli Patelis, Palgrave, Macmillan, 2007
- ‘Post-Cartesian Monism: On the mind-body relationship in Spinoza and in Leibniz’, in Texts in Modern Philosophy, Open University Editions, 2009, Athens.
- ‘Schelling’s Philosophy of Nature: The Wholeness of Life’, in the collective volume, Nature as a Whole, Nisos publications, Athens, forthcoming.
- ‘Helmet and Pomegranate: Two Approaches towards the Notion of Cognition’, in a-r-c: journal for art research and critical curating, July 2000
- ‘In Quest of a Possible Re-enchantment of the World’, in European Journal of Social Theory, Vol.4, 2001
- ‘Kant’s Reflective Judgment: The Normalization of Political Judgment’, in Kant-Studien, Band.1, 2003
- ‘The Riddle of Experience: Mythos and Logos in Schelling’, in Dialogue and Universalism, No.3-4, 2005
- ‘The Potencies of Beauty: Schelling on the question of Nature and Art’, in Comparative and Continental Philosophy, Fall 2013, Washington Press.
- ‘Athenian Democracy and Tragedy’, in Skepsis, March 2013 (Re-published in Celestia Nova, 2013.)
- On the notion of hypostasis and the problem of causality and contingency in early Leibniz’, in Axiologika, Athens, forthcoming.
- ‘The Organicity of Time: The Contingency of Contraction in Schelling’s Berlin Lectures’, in the proceedings of the International Workshop on Schelling’s Positive Philosophy, bilingual edition (English-German), forthcoming
- ‘The Space of Life in Leibniz and the Holographic Universe’, in Philosophy Study, Chicago Press, forthcoming.
Current Research Interests
- Philosophy of Nature and Metaphysics in Kant, Spinoza, Leibniz, Goethe, Newton, Schelling, Novalis. Temporality and Historicity in Human Consciousness in middle and late Schelling.
- The question of foundations, subjectivity, and the reception of ancient Greek philosophy and poiesis by the Jena Romantic Cycle up to Nietzsche.
Academic Distinctions
- My monograph Challenges to German Idealism: Schelling, Fichte and Kant, Palgrave, MacMillan P.C., New York and London, 2002, was selected by the American Philosophical Association (Society for German Idealism) and presented in the 78th Annual APA Congress (24-28 March 2004), in the Author Meets Critics Session.. It is included in the APA international catalog of selected philosophy books, The Scholar’s Choice.
- Member of the Internationaler Workshop, Philosophische Grundlegung im Ausgang von Schellings Positiver Philosophie, Freiburg and Humboldt Universität
- Research Fellow at Goldsmiths College, University of London (2008-2011)
- Reviewer at the philosophy journal Philosophy Study, Chicago Press, USA.
- Invited speaker at the International Workshop on Schelling’s positive philosophy (Freiburg and Humboldt Universität, 18-21 April 2013)
Courses (current academic year)
- Modern Theory of Knowledge and Metaphysics (Descartes)
- Texts in Modern Philosophy (Spinoza)
- Theory of knowledge and Metaphysics II (Spinoza Leibniz)
Contact hours
Friday 4-6pm by appointment