Charis Tabakis

PhD. Ancient Philosophy ― Modern French Philosophy
Laboratory Teaching Staff, Department of Philosophy
Office: Building K25 / Telephone: (+30) 2610 997623
Reception hours: Thursday, 12:00-13:30 / Friday: 13:00-14:30
Study cursus
- 1986-1991 Graduate studies at the Department of Philosophy, Pedagogics and Psychology of the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki. Specialization acquired: Philosophy.
- 1991-1993 Postagraduate student at the Department of Philosophy, Pedagogics and Psychology of the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki. Supervisor: Ger. Vokos. Diploma essay: Aspects of memory according to Nietzsche.
- 1993-1994 Diplôme d’Études Approfondies (D.E.A.) en Histoire de la Philosophie. Faculté des Lettres, Université Paris-IV (Sorbonne), U.F.R. de Philosophie. Supervisor: Gilbert Romeyer-Dherbey. Étude délivrée: Ἕξις et θήρα: Aspects du souvenir chez Aristote.
- 1995-1998 Doctoral research at the Faculté des Lettres, Université Paris-IV (Sorbonne), U.F.R. de Philosophie.
- 2006-2016 Doctoral research at the Philosophy Domain of the Department of Philosophy, Pedagogics and Psychology of the University of Ioannina. Supervisor: Giannis Prelorentzos. Doctoral thesis: Theory of time and memory from Bergson to Aristotle: a dialog based on temporal continuity.
- 2016 ― “Kaftantzogleion” Award of the Deanery of the Philosophical Faculty, National & Capodistrian University of Athens, for best PhD Thesis.
- 2026 ― Best Philosophy PhD Thesis Award 2015-2016, from philosophical journal Critica and J. S. Latsis Foundation.
Academic teaching
- PHS 001.3 ― Ancient Philosophy: Philosophical texts reading laboratory: Gorgias’s Helen’s Encomium ― Plato’s Gorgias.
- PHS 005.4 ― Ancient greek literature and language, Ι: Themes from Plato’s dialogs.
- PHS 5091 ― Theory of imagination in ancient philosophy.
- PHS 006.4 ― Ancient greek literature: Epic and lyric poetry.
- PHS 001.3 ― Ancient Philosophy: Philosophical texts reading laboratory: Gorgias’s Helen’s Encomium ― Plato’s Gorgias.
- PHS 005.4 ― Ancient greek literature and language, Ι: Themes from Plato’s dialogs.
- PHS 004.4 ― Elaboration of philosophical subjects laboratory.
- PHS 006.4 ― Ancient greek literature: Epic and lyric poetry.
- PHS 001.3 ― Ancient Philosophy: Philosophical texts reading laboratory: Gorgias’s Helen’s Encomium ― Plato’s Gorgias.
- PHS 5091 ― Theory of imagination in ancient philosophy.
- PHS 5092 ― From wisdom to philosophy: History of early greek philosophy.
- PHS 5093 ― Philosophy and Poetry: the matrix of primordial discourse.
- PHS 2003 ― Philosophical texts reading laboratory: Aristotle’s, Metaphysics, Α.
- PHS 5001 ― Philosophical schools of Antiquity: The Socratics.
- PHS 5056 ― Special subjects on Ancient Philosophy, Ι: The notion of imagination.
- PHS 2003 ― Philosophical texts reading laboratory: Aristotle’s, Metaphysics, Α.
- PHS 5003 ― Ancient greek literature and language, Ι: Themes from Plato’s dialogs.
- PHS 5056 ― Special subjects on Ancient Philosophy, Ι: Aristotelian epistemology.
- PHS 2003 ― Philosophical texts reading laboratory: Plato’s Theaetetus.
- PHS 5003 ― Ancient greek literature and language, Ι: Themes from Plato’s dialogs.
- PHS 5056 ― Special subjects on Ancient Philosophy, Ι: An introduction to the historiography of ancient philosophy.
Γραφείο: Κ25 / Αριθμός τηλεφώνου: 2610 997623
Ώρες συνεργασίας: Πέμπτη, 13:00-15:00 και Παρασκευή, 12:00-14:00.