Proclamation & Selection Procedure

The Department may announce positions for doctoral candidates, fellows or not, which are published in the daily press and posted on the relevant website of the Department.

The announcement/invitation for expressions of interest mentions: conditions, terms, deadlines, necessary supporting documents that must be submitted, the maximum number of doctoral candidates that will be accepted, procedures for submitting nominations and selecting doctoral candidates, additional obligations of doctoral candidates, clauses, deliverables and timelines theses completion limits.

Announcements/invitations for expressions of interest may be repeated at regular intervals.

Admission requirements and criteria – structure of doctoral studies

The minimum formal qualifications of candidate students for doctoral programs are as follows:

a) A.E.I. Degree (University or T.E.I.) of the country or recognized as equivalent foreign institution.

b) Diploma of Postgraduate Studies of the country or recognized by D.O.A.T.A.P. as an equal foreign institution, or possession of a single and undivided master’s degree, in accordance with article 46 of Law 4485/2017.

In the Department of Philosophy, candidates from all scientific fields can be accepted for the preparation of DD. In the event that the HEI degree (section a) is not in the field of philosophy or a related field, then the postgraduate degree of section (b) must be in philosophy or in fields directly related to the scientific field field of Philosophy or in a subject related to philosophy.

In exceptional cases (such as, for example, in the case of a demonstrably excellent quality scientific publication), and after a reasoned decision of the Department’s Assembly, he may be accepted as a PhD candidate and not a D.M.S. holder. Graduates of T.E.I., A.S.P.A.I.T.E. or equivalent schools can be accepted as PhD candidates only if they hold a D.M.S. (i.e. the above exemption from holding a master’s degree does not apply to this category of candidates).

Especially for PhD candidates, who do not hold a D.M.S., the duration of preparation of the D.D. is set at a minimum of 4 years. Doctoral candidates who are admitted exceptionally without holding a D.M.S., are required to complete an organized course set by the Department Assembly. The time spent attending a cycle of compulsory courses is counted towards the minimum time for obtaining a doctoral degree. Doctoral candidates who come from internationally recognized programs (e.g. Marie Curie) and meet the general registration conditions, are included in the doctoral study program by decision of the Assembly outside the general announcement and selection process and in combination with the special conditions provided by related international program.

The structure of the courses for the cycle of D.D. as follows:

1. a) In order to obtain a doctoral degree, doctoral candidates must document a successful examination in 7 semester-long postgraduate courses in philosophy, which they choose with their declaration either a) from the PMS course program of the Department of Philosophy and/or b) from a course list of Department specifically for the third cycle of studies and/or c) from the course program of the PMS of other Departments of the University of Patras.

Of these courses, 4 should be in academic subjects related to the area of ​​specialization, in which the topic of the doctoral thesis falls.

b) Recognition and/or transfer of postgraduate courses to PhD candidates who are (according to 4.1 b) BMI holders is possible. The recognition and/or transfer of postgraduate courses is decided by the Assembly following the application of the PhD candidate.

c) The postgraduate diploma thesis is recognized as two postgraduate courses of the area, to which its subject belongs.

d) PhD candidates choose postgraduate courses by declaring to the Secretariat.

e) The planning of the special courses of the 3rd cycle of studies is done by decision of the Assembly of the Department and approval of the Senate of the University.

2. For the students who are selected and enrolled in the 3rd cycle of study, but a) do not have a degree in Philosophy or b) are admitted exceptionally without a D.M.S. it is possible for the Department Assembly to determine up to 6 undergraduate courses, which they are required to attend and in which they must be successfully examined.

3. For the special case that PhD candidates are accepted to prepare a PhD in the cognitive area of ​​classical studies, it is necessary to document the successful attendance of 4 postgraduate courses in the scientific area of ​​the knowledge of the ancient world and especially ancient writing, including the recruitment and historical effects of his ideas, of which 2 in the specific cognitive area of ​​the thesis topic. Otherwise, all the regulations regarding the structure of doctoral studies in this paragraph (par. 3 of article 4) apply to these doctoral candidates by analogy.

4. 3rd cycle students must complete their obligations in undergraduate and postgraduate courses within the first two academic years of their studies.

The written language of the TT is Greek and in special justified cases the TT can be written either in English, French or German. Such cases may be, if the doctoral candidate is a foreigner or if he lives abroad, etc. Finally, in the event that a foreign university professor who does not know Greek is appointed as a member of the three-member committee, it must be ensured that the candidate PhD student agrees to write the DD in another language according to the above definitions.