
The Philosophy Department Library is housed in building K25 and operates in close co-operation with the University of Patras central Library and Information Service (LIS). Until 2004, the Library’s operating costs and equipment were funded mainly by the European Union through the EPEAK (Operational Program of Education and Initial Professional Training) program for the development of higher education.

The library currently houses approximately 20,000 Greek and foreign volumes and its collection is being developed and enriched with new acquisitions. The philosophy collection includes reference books, critical editions of classical works of philosophy from ancient times to the present, translations, and secondary literature. A drive is under way to enrich collections in areas that reflect the faculty’s domains of specialization and competence (for example, logic, ethics, aesthetics, social and political philosophy, epistemology, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind and philosophy of science). The immediate aim of the Philosophy Department Library is to support curricular activities, providing resources for students’ coursework, essay-writing and assignments. Its long-term objective is to become a comprehensive philosophical research library.

Recently, the Library was the recipient of an important private bequest, the Meyer Collection, comprizing 2,500 foreign books from several fields of  the Humanities and especially philosophy. The Library is in the process of restoring parts of the collection which were damaged.


Access to the Library’s collections requires registration and a special user card issued by the LIS (University of Patras central Library and Information Service). User cards are valid for all LIS services.


The Philosophy Department Library operates as a lending library. Books marked with red labels, and books on course reserve lists, are not on loan. Users can borrow up to three books at a time. The loan period is 15days with a renewal option of one week unless the book has been requested. For external users, borrowing is restricted to one week with no option of renewal. A priority list of requests is kept. Overdue books are fined 50 cents per working day.


Operating hours: 10:00 – 14:00.

Dept. Philosophy Library
Postal Code 265 00 Rio
Telephone – Fax: +30 2610 969 915